Thread: Time Management
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Old 01-14-2019, 08:10 PM
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Originally Posted by g8rbeckie View Post
I bullet journal!! I love it so much. I include the sections that work for me and leave everything else out. Plus, because it's done in a regular old journal, I get to decorate it with my washi tape and doodles

go to to see the intro video, then you can go to pinterest and/or IG and search for #bujo #minimalbujo #bulletjournal and see SO MANY ideas on how to customize.
Beckie, I'm afraid to start bullet journaling!! I've seen it here and there for years, and it looks so cool, but honestly, I can't start another hobby!

Originally Posted by Jlmurrell View Post
I’ve actually gone back & forth with to-do lists, meal plans, etc but now I like keeping it all in one place! The planner I purchased also has empty tabs where you can track additional things... I’ve created ones for (1) Birthday/Christmas ideas (2) scrapbooking projects - current & future ideas and (3) the new SSD challenge
Keeping everything in one place is a good plan. I've thought about just using a binder... LOL! Trying to keep this simple!

Originally Posted by icindi View Post
Appointments are in my phone calendar. When all the boys still lived at home we had a white board calendar for the week and all their activities went on it so anyone could see where anyone was at any given time. But since I'm not managing their days so much anymore I don't need that. I do have a to-do list on my phone and make occasional paper lists if there's something big I need lists for, like Thanksgiving dinner plans or the like.

As someone else said, I review the week ahead on my calendar, then the day ahead and plan what else I can fit in between the things I "have" to do at a certain time. Paper calendars don't seem to work for me because I never have them with me when I'm at appointments and so the phone seems to work best for me since I always have it with me.
I'm finding it to be the case where I don't have to schedule for the kids anymore, so I kind of don't really schedule anything (well, other than doctor appointments).

Originally Posted by KristinCB View Post

i'm awful at all of it
LOL!! I am, too, Kristin!! I'm trying to get better at it again!!

Originally Posted by LynnZant View Post
I use blank planners that I found at Walmart for $1.99 so that I can plug in my own dates. They open to show one week at a time. My year runs from summer when band camp starts until the end of school. I leave it on the counter by my purse, and the whole family knows to check that thing before planning stuff on their own.
Hmmm...I'll have to check these out next time I'm at Walmart, Lynn!
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