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Old 04-23-2019, 04:17 AM
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nietis nietis is offline
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My husband is a book, usb, jacket and stationary hoarder (the last one is simply because he gets office supplies from the university he works at). As to jacket, it refers to any winter clothes really, because he is soooo sensitive of the cooler weather. He'd rather be drenched in sweat and laughed at for wearing so many layers of clothes in the warmer weather than risking it to feel cold. I hate it, because, it means he has more clothes than me in the wardrobe and a whole lot of laundry for me.
My son is a prospective hoarder as I see it. His little study desk has lots of little pieces of papers and stuffs, that I see as junks, but he sees them as mementos. So, every now and then I have to force him to clean up his desk to make space for his school books!
I used to be a hoarder, too, growing up. However, living alone far away from home and constant moving taught me to keep only to the essentials. Even now, living in an apartment gives us limited space, so I try my best to not hoard.
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