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Old 05-06-2019, 09:58 AM
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Oh Tracey, I'm so sorry to hear about your beloved pet. I just lost my 16 year old kitty in September. I know well what you're feeling. I often wonder if knowing you're going to lose your pet is worse than having it happen suddenly as you have so much time to dread it. Despite that, I think I would rather know so that I could spent the last days with him, loving on him and letting him know just special he is without regret and "should have spent more time with him, I didn't pet him goodbye, etc".

After I lost my cat, I swear I didn't want to get up in the morning -- I just didn't want to live. I thought I was being ridiculous at how hard I was taking it but I'm a feeler and I loved that cat like my own child -- even made my daily plans/vacation etc around his insulin shots. I guess I'm saying that b/c you might be shocked at how hard you take it and that's stressful too! But time does lessen the pain. It took me a good 2 months before I stopped crying every day. I'm still sad over it but I have noticed now that when I think of him my first instinct isn't to cry but to smile over him. I had him cremated and sometimes I talk to/pet his urn (it's a cat) and tell him I miss him and I just feel closer to him that way.

I did adopt another cat right away. I can see the value in waiting but I had so much displaced love that I really felt the need to get another one who needed me as much as I needed him. The cat I adopted was neglected, had fleas, has dietary/eating and minor behavioral problems. I knew he wasn't a replacement for my kitty, but just someone who needed me too. If you do get another pet, just keep that in mind and give the new pet (and yourself) grace when things aren't "as good as" they were before. They'll never replace your beloved pup but they could become very special in their own ways.

I am so very sorry you're hurting so much. Sending you a great big virtual hug. You'll be okay --- eventually.

Last edited by KingsQueen82; 05-06-2019 at 10:32 PM.
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