Thread: Wkend Plans?
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Old 05-17-2019, 12:17 PM
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LeeAndra LeeAndra is offline
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We have another busy weekend! Not my favorite but that's May for ya.

Tonight is my daughter's school's fun fair. My kids love it but it's super boring to be the adult who just walks around after them and holds their jackets and prizes.

Tomorrow my son has a bday party to go to at the bouncy place at the mall so we'll need to go out tomorrow morning to get his friend a gift (no clue what). We also need to visit my grandfather in his new apt that the kids haven't seen yet.

I have a work meeting Sunday morning, and then I need to stop by my grandfather's old place in conjunction with my dad & sister to see if there is anything left that I want to have before they sell or donate the rest.

We also need to redo/fix my daughter's trifold board because something is wrong in/on it (it was due this past Monday) and she's already getting points deducted. She's been giving me the "I don't know" run-around all week (which is true as she has forgotten to ask the teacher what needs to be fixed after the teacher emailed me Monday evening) & I spent all LAST weekend, including half of Mothers' Day, working on this dumb project and I am. so. done. She's already done her in-class presentation but they have a school-wide fair in a couple of weeks she has to go to so I guess we still have to fix the board.

Did I mention I still have laundry to finish up? And meal planning for next week? And paperwork to find for the kids' well checks Monday afternoon?

DH has been gone all week on vacation (don't even get me started on that!) so I've been pulling double-duty since last Friday, and I'm so very tired.
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