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Old 05-26-2019, 01:37 AM
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Originally Posted by SeattleSheri View Post
It's a long story, but the condensed version (which is still kind of long, lol) is that I knew my biological father had children from at least one other marriage, but didn't know their names, ages or genders. After taking a 23&Me test last year I matched up with my uncle and oldest sister. I also found an older brother on Ancestry DNA (my biological father was married 3 times over the course of many years). I met my oldest sister for the very first time last August and met my uncle later that month. I've also been in contact with another sister and my oldest brother (he lives a few hours away, but is currently in AK). My younger brother, unfortunately, passed away last month of terminal cancer. We never met and I'm not sure if he even knew I existed.

This is my sister and I when I went to visit her in February:

Wow what a story Sheri...all those siblings! Sorry to hear that one passed away before you met him. I can see the resemblance.
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