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Old 05-29-2019, 04:19 PM
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craftytam craftytam is offline
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Join Date: May 2011
Location: Magnificent Meridian, ID
Posts: 5,637

Is there something you are looking forward to?
Well, I should have answered this on Friday because I could have said I was looking forward to our youngest son's graduation (which was Saturday). Now, I don't have anything (LOL! Sad, right? )

Do you have a garden?
I haven't had a garden in years. I loved gardening, but life took over, and I haven't done it in forever.

How early do you wake each day?
Now that DH is working again, during the week, I wake up at about 8:15 to make breakfast for him. I don't set an alarm on the weekend.

What was the last thing you baked or do you ever?
I haven't made "baked goods" in a long time. The last thing I baked was a casserole.

Do you have a skin care regime?
I have very oily skin, and never found anything that worked well (zits at 50 are ridiculous!). Then I found Norwex... I love their body cloths and use them every night and morning (no soap or anything else needed). I've only broken out when I don't use them. I should put sunscreen on when I'm out, but always forget.
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