Thread: Summer plans?
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Old 06-14-2019, 10:33 PM
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I have summers off, and the last few summers I've done bigger projects around the house. This summer I just don't have it in me. For some reason this school year burned me out more than usual. I'm not sure why, since I had a relatively easy class.

School got out yesterday and the kids and I have the rest of June off, with no real plans. We'll go to the pool, do some local day trips, invite friends over, and they'll spend more time playing on their screens than I usually let them! (That's because I want to have extra computer time to scrap. ) Beginning in July each of the kids has a couple weeks of summer camp or summer school and we'll go visit family in New York, Connecticut, and Pennsylvania a couple times.

I have a few small house projects I need to get done, mostly so DH feels like my summer home is productive. But the thing I really want to do is work on some scrapping projects. I'm in the middle of a Disney album from our November trip, and I'm hoping to finish it next month. This Disney album is the first thing in a while that I've really wanted to scrap. I'm not feeling our 2018 and 2019 albums--I've barely touched them, and I don't have much desire to do what I've done the last few years. So after the Disney album I need to figure out how to approach scrapping as the kids are getting older so that I can still feel inspired to get yearly albums done.
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