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Old 06-20-2019, 01:15 PM
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Originally Posted by LynnZant View Post
It used to be up by 5 am and the kids were on the bus by 6:30. Now, I'm lucky to be out of bed by 6:30. I'm on turtle mode without the schedule, so I don't get much done.
I know! During the school year, I get up at 5:30am to get the High Schooler's ready and on the bus by 6:35am. Now, we are sleeping in some...but Driver's Training is in the morning, so we are still having to get up, just not as early.

By the time we're picking her up from her class, the younger 2 are rolling out of bed! It's like we're all on different schedules still and trying to figure out how to fit into each others. I look forward to Julyl when Driver's Training is over and we can sleep in...until like 9 or 10!
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