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Old 06-21-2019, 12:50 AM
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Opposite is true for me--I'm off work for the summer, so even with the kids home I feel like I've had more scrapping time (and time for everything else) than I did all year. I only work part time, but the school year is much more go-go-go for us. It also helps so much that I'm not up at 6 am every day! I've always been a late-night scrapper, so the early wake ups needed to get the high schooler and middle schooler off on time do me in. I've been able to sleep until 7:30 or 8 every day this week, so I'm actually awake enough to get pages done at night. I love it!

School just ended (the 13th), so this week and next week are low key for us. I've planned a few home days, a few days when we're doing things like the pool or movies, and a few bigger outings. After that I'll get busier running kids to different activities, but I may end up with the same amount of free time since I'll be doing more drop offs whereas now I'm doing things with them. We'll see. I dreaded summer break when the kids were younger, but it's easier now that they're older and 2 of them can stay home without me.

Last edited by rach3975; 06-21-2019 at 12:57 AM.
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