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Old 07-23-2019, 10:24 AM
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JennNtheBoys JennNtheBoys is offline
Sweet Talker
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Join Date: Mar 2012
Location: Nova Scotia, Canada
Posts: 1,449

Currently, we have a Beagle (more like my 4th child), a Cat, and 6 Chickens (gotta love having pets that 'poop' out breakfast lol).

When I was a kid we always had a dog (there were a few, never more than 1 at once), I had two cats (one of which had 42 kittens in her lifetime, so I always had new furbabies to play with, train and then rehome). I also had 2 horses growing up..... I would SO love to have horses again someday, but the more time that passes, the reality of me getting up on a horse without fear of breaking a hip gets less and less, but our goal in life is to someday have a hobby farm, a way to be self sustainable (as much as we can), and to just have some fun while doing it, so there are goats, cattle, pigs, hopefully horses in our future somewhere.
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