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Old 08-20-2019, 06:38 PM
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Originally Posted by jen104 View Post
Completely agree ladies, and thanks for the virtual hugs!! I can look back on it now and laugh a little, but at the time it was so shocking that people could be so mean. To be fair, okay, it was a layout about my brother freely sharing with my prude-ish grandparents that he had hemorrhoids - all in an effort to just completely shock them. Months later, they wrapped up a tube of Prep-H for his Christmas stocking, and it was truly so funny and I wanted to remember how much we laughed that day. They've both since passed away, and looking in my scrapbook at that memory totally makes me smile because with some of his antics, I feel like my brother "loosened them up" over the years.

I am kind of a lurker here, but posted my first layout in the gallery this year, even though I've been reading here for years. I feel like this is a safe place LOL so maybe I'll post more eventually.

Please post more!!!!!

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