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Old 09-13-2019, 10:31 PM
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SeattleSheri SeattleSheri is offline
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Today is Friday 13th, are you superstitious? Change your routine at all today? I'm definitely not completely devoid of superstition. For example, I didn't want my youngest son born on the 13th. I was induced on the morning of the 12th and assured by my doctor that being my 3rd, he'd be born on the 12th. Fast forward to 10pm and no baby and not really dilated. I was told it wasn't going to happen. Well, it turns out he was literally delivering himself by 11:20pm. He was born at 11:29pm on the 12th. Crisis averted, lol.
Have you changed your hairstyle in the last year? Not intentionally. I lightened my hair about 1 ½ years ago and it's now all broken off ... so I have an unintentional bob which I'm super unhappy about. I was trying to grow my hair out, so I'm really mad the salon didn't counsel me that what they were doing could cause this result. I would never have done if I knew this was in the realm of possibility. Because I have such curly hair it takes FOREVER to get length.
Has your scrapping style changed over the last few yrs? I'm perpetually working on shadowing/lighting, but I think I've been pretty consistent in my overall style.
If you could change your behaviour, break a habit, what would it be? I would LOVE to be less irritable!!!!
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