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Old 09-24-2019, 05:34 PM
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Default Weekend Scrapbook Retreats

I haven't been on a weekend scrapbook retreat in ages, but when I did go, I LOVED them! There was a lady up in the mountains in CA who held them in her house. She would have a massage therapist come out one day (for an extra charge), she would cook all the meals, and had all the tools needed. I was a paper scrapper at the time and had to haul so much stuff with me!! It was fun to get away, but a pain to get ready for. It would be so much easier as a digiscrapper!

Have you ever been to a weekend scrapbook (or other craft) retreat?

I have scrap/craft days at our house once in a while, but I have really toyed with the idea of holding weekend retreats someday. I would definitely need a much bigger house!!
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