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Old 10-21-2019, 07:04 AM
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lovely1m lovely1m is offline
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Join Date: Apr 2008
Posts: 10,239

List your top 6 answers to these questions...
Favorite junk or snack foods
1. chips & salsa
2. chips & queso
3. chips & French onion dip
4. dots candy
5. cheese & crackers
6. gardettos

Favorite movies, new or old.
1. zombieland
2. Blackhawk down
3. superbad
4. full metal jacket
5. bourne identity
6. harry potter (all of

Favorite things about the current season.
….I am currently living in a place with no real seasons, but I will go with fall as it should be that
1. colors
2. hoodie weather
3. bonfires
4. Halloween
5. being outside and not sweating
6. mine & my son's birthdays
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