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Old 01-29-2020, 12:16 AM
Neverland Scraps's Avatar
Neverland Scraps Neverland Scraps is offline
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Join Date: May 2008
Location: Ohio
Posts: 5,140

1. Do you have a favorite pattern type that you like to see in all the kits you buy?

2. Do you like big, bold patterns or prefer more subtle ones?
Not really a fan of big and bold unless it's an art kit. I mostly like smaller ones and often resize papers.

3. How many main patterns, ie. a pattern that supports the theme of the kit, do you expect in a kit?
patterns - at least 10? but please have solids---a whole pattern kit is hard to work with when there isn't solids. I say that and I can't remember the last time I used a solid!

4. Do you like tone on tone patterns?
It's alright as long as it's not overdone in the kit or all the time from that designer.

5. Do you want to see at least one type of floral pattern in a kit you are buying?
Again, depending on the kit, floral is okay. There are certain kits that florals might not work like a sporty kit.

6. Grungy or clean, how do you like your paper patterns to be textured?
Every kit is different. If it's emotional, artsy, etc. I love grungy. For the most part, I like clean especially feminine kits---but please have amazing paint!
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