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Old 03-27-2020, 09:28 AM
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JillW JillW is offline
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We were issued a shelter in place (Illinois) last Friday - the company I work for is considered 'essential' so we are still working. I have very mixed feelings about that - thankful I won't lose any income, but concerned nonetheless.

There are 2 confirmed cases in the county we live in (rural area). Stores are fairly empty as far as shoppers goes - shelves are also still pretty empty. Other than going to work and running to grab a few essentials from the stores, I haven't been out and about. The weather is still sort of crummy here - so going outside isn't much of an option.

I have a dear friend that is isolating as she has had a fever and her lungs are not healthy. She tested negative for pneumonia, but they won't test her for the virus because she's able to take care of herself and stay home.

Today, for some reason, the whole situation weighing heavy on me. I think I need to stop listening / watching the news for a few days. I have to keep reminding myself that this is temporary ... I can't wait until I will be able to hug my 3 grandbabies again! Last weekend we dropped off a dozen donuts and some coloring pages I'd printed out for them on their front porch. We plan on putting a little box of goodies together again this weekend for them ... thinking of art projects for them to do and going to cut out a bunch of colored hearts for them to tape up on their front windows.

It does warm my heart to see so communities coming together to help the health care workers around the world. I can't imagine what they are going through ...!

Last edited by JillW; 03-27-2020 at 09:30 AM.
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