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Old 04-22-2020, 12:56 AM
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Sooo tired of it! Plus with everyone home for lunch I'm now making a lot more meals than before. We're doing 2 weeks of grocery shopping at a time, so planning and making sure we have enough (and then adapting over and over when certain things are out of stock) is an adjustment, too. And because of a combination of what's available and feeling like I "should" have more time, I'm making more time consuming meals. We're getting curbside or delivery on Saturday nights, so at least there's that break.

I've never met a recipe I didn't alter in some way, so it's hard to link you up to anything! Here's a yeast-free pizza crust I made a couple weeks ago. It's made from things we always have around the house (flour, salt, baking powder, milk, and butter) and only takes a few minutes.

Another trick I've learned since lockdown and spacing out grocery trips is how to roast frozen veggies so they taste like fresh. So yummy! Basically, heat the oven to 450F with the baking pan inside so it preheats, too. Toss frozen veggies with olive oil. Season if desired. Place the veggies on the hot baking tray and roast until done. The directions I used aren't online, but here's a similar one.
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