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Old 04-22-2020, 02:42 PM
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Originally Posted by Dalis View Post
Please share the Spanish rice recipe!
2 tbsp oil
2 cups long grain white rice
4 cups water
2 tbsp chicken bouillon seasoning
1 cup tomato sauce (I use 1/2 cup tomato sauce and 1/2 cup El Pato Hot Tomato Sauce)
salt and pepper to taste
Heat oil in pan.
Add rice to pan. Stir constantly so rice doesn’t burn. You just want to get it to brown.
Once rice is cooked to your preference, add water, chicken bouillon seasoning and tomato sauce. You can taste the liquid to see if it is seasoned enough. If not, add a bit of salt and pepper. Bring to a boil. Cover and simmer for 15/20 minutes.
Note: if you don’t have chicken bouillon seasoning you can use chicken broth instead of water (or a mixture of the two).

El Pato -
(I get this sauce at our grocery store in the Mexican/Hispanic food section)

Everyone makes their Spanish rice differently. This is similar to how my mom and grandma have always made it.

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