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Old 05-29-2020, 05:26 AM
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jacinda jacinda is offline
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Join Date: Apr 2008
Location: Auckland, New Zealand
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Hugs from me too Ella. I love your style! I think when you scrap to please others and not yourself, you are setting yourself up for disappointment. Scrap because it brings you joy. Scrap whatever style you want to on any given day. Scrap for YOU. When you do that, and feel happy with your own layout, THAT is all that matters. Don't change your style to get onto a CT. Change your style only when it feels right for you. I never thought I'd ever be chosen to be a babe. My style is much simpler and cleaner than the typical babe. And I use templates a LOT. I couldn't scrap clusters or arty pages like some of the babes if I tried. And you know what? It didn't matter. Robin chooses her team to fill various needs. Maybe when she chose me, she needed someone with a simpler style. Maybe she needed someone to show off the templates. I don't know why she chose me, but I do know she chose me for me. You be you. Keep doing what you do because YOU love it. Don't hang your happiness on the decisions of others. You have to be happy with yourself. I also don't take the number of gallery comments to heart either. If you look at my gallery I have very few comments on my layouts, and that's ok. I'm not a big commenter either. Just because people don't comment, doesn't mean they don't like your layout.

All that is to say, don't be disheartened. Remember why you started scrapping in the first place, and find joy in just creating pages that you love.
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