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Old 06-27-2020, 11:44 PM
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LeeAndra LeeAndra is offline
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Join Date: Feb 2007
Location: northern Indiana
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I have last week & this week to do in 2020 PL. We are still not doing much outside the house so sometimes the week is only 1 page vs. 2. I've tried to do PL in various ways & formats the last few years but always choked and gave up. This year, I went back to superboring "Type A" style layouts, like I did the last time I was successful with PL in 2014, and it's working so far.

Doing PL this year, alongside quarantine, has shown me that my daughter could spend literally all day & night in the basement on the computer, only coming up for food, if I let her. I have very few photos of her over the last few months since she is so uninterested in interacting with other human beings or having other hobbies. Ugh.
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