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Old 07-11-2020, 10:07 AM
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mmbstaley mmbstaley is offline
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Join Date: Feb 2007
Location: Richmond, VA
Posts: 579

I definitely agree with everyone - don't delete photos!! Even though you now have a shiny new EHD (yay for hubby!) I still highly recommend backing up your photos somewhere else as well. 2 backups are better than one. Heaven forbid something happen to one of the companys that are storing your backups. I remember seeing a news article about a server farm building going up in smoke in one of the big wildfires a few years back. Some of my grandfather's military records we will never have copies of because the storage facility where they were archived burned down.

I use Amazon. The free unlimited photo storage that comes with Prime is a life-saver for me. I also pay for some storage with Amazon Drive for my scrapbook and video files, as those file types are not supported with the free storage. I'm probably stuck forever with being a Prime member now because I have all of my digital photos from the last 18 years backed up there, as well as multiple EHDs from over the years.
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