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Old 07-26-2020, 06:03 PM
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clucaswvu04 clucaswvu04 is offline
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I have been catching up - but still no where near caught up, working on Oct. 2019 currently, though I started with Jan 2019 with the stay home stuff so it is a decent bit. I also scanned for days and days and days it felt like. We took all our paper albums and those are scanned now, along with old year books, random old pics and documents. That will be the side project to get those all done (I have done a few hear and there). We are getting ready to move though (in a week) Tuesday the truck is getting loaded, so after that it will be trying to entertain the three kids with nothing in the house lol - but I'm hoping to get some scrapping done too because my computer always gets carried with us even if monitors don't, and this time we made room so I could keep a monitor out with me so I'm excited to get to use it in transition - I still am old school with a desktop). My goal is to finish Oct 2019 this week but we'll see
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