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Old 07-26-2020, 06:18 PM
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Originally Posted by Txcorey View Post
For our last vacation, I'm trying a different process. I'm trying to type out journaling so I don't forget it and then I'm trying to get all the photos i want to scrap in templates so that when I sit down to watch tv at night I can just mindlessly scrap. I think deciding which pictures I want to use and putting those pictures into templates is my most challenging task.
I'm not nearly as fast a scrapper as Vanessa is, but I've been doing something like what you're describing. Even though I love having my finished weekly pages to look back on, I don't enjoy the process of narrowing down the pictures, getting everything placed in a template, and making the journaling (which I pre-write throughout the year) fit. I've started batching them like you're describing, and it's helping. First I went through, sorted photos into folders by which page they'll go on, and deleted the ones I won't use. (My To Scrap folder is all copies, so I delete as I finish with them.) Then I organized my journaling. Right now I'm in the process of placing each week's photos and journaling into templates. Later I'll go back and add papers and elements. That's the fun part, so I won't procrastinate it the way I do the earlier steps. I'm finding that when I get into a routine like this it's easier to make myself move onto the next one and get them done. When I'm scrapping start to finish for one page, I have trouble switching gears constantly back into the less fun parts that I have to concentrate on.
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