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Old 08-04-2020, 01:21 AM
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JoCee JoCee is offline
Sweet Shoppe Designer
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Join Date: Dec 2019
Location: Melbourne, Australia
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Default Lockdown Level 4!

*forgive the rant*

We have been locked down to Level 4 down here in Melbourne for the next SIX weeks
  • We have a curfew of 8pm-5am
  • only an hour outside of home and only one person to do essential shopping within a 5km radius of home.
  • Can only exercise within 5km of home and only with ONE other even if it's family and only for an hour.
  • Have to work from home which is not a problem for me as I mostly work from home anyway.
  • Retail pretty much completely shut, manufacturing/building/industry either shut down or running on skeleton staff. Supermarkets, grocery stores, banks, post offices, newsagents and take way from cafes and restaurants allowed but that is pretty much it!
  • School shut including kindergartens/creches' except for essential workers children.
  • Have to wear mask the minute we leave the house

We 'happy' to do this as long as it actually works.

There is no way Victorians could do this again if this fails so we need all those idiots who insist on breaking the law to stop, go home and stay there for the next six weeks so we can rebuild. Our economy is shot, jobs are disappearing hand over fist and the Victorian people are hurting, badly.

I could cry, but I am going to stay calm, stay home and stay safe with my family until this nightmare ends, whenever that is. Kids are online with university, hubs and I are lucky to still have our jobs which can be done from home and I have my designing which is my happy place. I am happy to wear my mask when I do go out and have a huge supply of books and puzzles for the quiet times.

Please stay safe everyone, this is one of, if not the the hardest of things we will ever go through in our lifetimes. Let's be kind to each other, stay safe, wear our masks and pray a vaccine is found sooner rather than later.

And then, then we pick up the pieces and hope the new normal is kind to us.
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