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Old 08-04-2020, 06:11 AM
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Thinking of you JoCee!

Sounds pretty much like our Level 4 lockdown except wearing masks was voluntary outside, and all our restaurants, cafes, post offices and banks were closed too. Only supermarkets, selected corner dairies and the petrol station were open.

My advice is to embrace the time at home. An hour outside of the house to exercise is actually plenty. I'm a bit of an introvert, so I loved lockdown. No rush, more time with family, less traffic, the world quietens down for a bit....I think a lot depends on your frame of mind. If you're determined to find the blessings and the good in the experience, you'll find it, and come out the other side refreshed. By the end of our lockdown the kids and I didn't want to go back to 'normal'.

Shopping tip: I found it better to shop early in the morning (when I had to go out for groceries once a week). Seems a lot of people would sleep in and go later, by which time everyone is trying to shop. If you go early, you won't have the long lines. At least I never did. Maybe kiwis just like sleeping in.

I hope it all goes well for you. Keep your spirits up and look for the good. If it all works out as planned maybe they'll consider opening the borders between our countries soon.

Last edited by jacinda; 08-04-2020 at 06:15 AM.
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