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Old 08-05-2020, 02:20 PM
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Join Date: Dec 2007
Location: Northern Virginia
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I'm sorry you're going back under such a strict lockdown. The 2-person rule seems harsh--does a single parent with 2 young kids need to stay in with no activity for 6 weeks since they can't meet those conditions?

As strange as it may sound, I'm jealous of your lockdown. It will suck for 6 weeks, but then there's a chance of being able tor resume a more normal life. I don't see that happening here any time soon, unfortunately. Sure, things are open, but we can't get the community transmission low enough for schools to reopen.

I live in Northern Virginia, near Washington, DC. Our cases haven't spiked like some parts of the US, but we never managed to get them truly low enough before we started reopening. Now some people are going about their lives as though there's no pandemic (though at least most of them here are wearing masks), and those of us who are essentially still living as if we were locked down can't make enough of a difference on our own. The preschool I teach at isn't opening next year, and I can't look for another job since I'm going to need to be my son's full time special ed teacher in the fall. (And as much as it makes me nervous to take a year out of the workforce at 45, I'm 100% behind the decision to have school be entirely virtual for who knows how long.) Some of the counties near us have already announced that they'll be 100% virtual until January and will reevaluate then. Our county hasn't announced a date, but I don't think that things will change enough for us to get transmission rates lower than they are now. And even if they do, we're looking at hybrid schooling where the kids only go in person 2 days a week. Without another lockdown here (which there's absolutely no political will for), I have very little hope of anything changing for a year or so, until we have vaccines and enough time to get them to everyone.
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