Thread: She's so...
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Old 08-23-2020, 03:27 PM
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Default She's so...

My mom and I were talking the other night, and she made a comment about someone saying something about her. ...Not really saying, be she this is what my mom thought this woman would say (I hope that makes sense. LOL!)

It got me thinking. When I think of how people describe me, it's mostly the negative stuff... "she's so fat, she's so mean, she's so..." But, that can't be true, right? There has to be good in there, too.

I think we all get those negative thoughts in our heads (maybe more so right now when we aren't interacting with people as much?).

It's okay to toot your own horn once in a while
I thought it would be a fun exercise for us to come up with POSITIVE attributes to describe yourself and finish the sentence, "She's so..."
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