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Old 09-05-2020, 02:06 AM
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mmbstaley mmbstaley is offline
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Things on Amazon Prime:
My hubby likes The Boys. He was excited when he remembered the new season started tonight. I've not watched those, but it is superheroes with a bad boy attitude from what he has said, so I could probably watch it.
*The Expanse. this one is sci-fi. The first season is slow, but it gets better if you hang in there.
*Goliath - dark and gritty law show.
*Alias - older spy series that kicked off Jennifer Garner's career. I loved watching it when it was on originally and have enjoyed rewatching her kick butt
*Top of the Lake - grittier cop show with a persistent detective pursuing child and sexual abuse cases in its 2 seasons. The second season ended kind of abruptly we thought - maybe COVID did in the filming of the end? anyway, still pretty good if a bit slow overall.
*ER - I jumped on the ER bandwagon years into its long run when it was on originally. Hubby and I just started watching it from the beginning and it is just as good as I remembered. It is kind of weird seeing all of the main characters so young, and knowing what some of the big life things for them at the end that are totally different from their situations at the start.

Little Fires Everywhere was really good - I think that was on Hulu though...

We've watched soooo much on Disney+ - It is our go to. I have a huge library of physical Disney movies, but it is so easy to just find things there LOL

Last edited by mmbstaley; 09-05-2020 at 02:10 AM.
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