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Old 11-02-2020, 12:15 PM
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bcgal00 bcgal00 is offline
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Join Date: Feb 2009
Location: Kamloops BC Canada
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I'm a wanna-be planner LOL. I try so hard. I do succeeed at a few things but for the most part, I just wing it. I think about planning, maybe write some things down, and then somehow I go off in another direction and all the planning goes out the window.

I make plans for every wkend and I don't think a single one has gone as planned. But I can go with the flow so don't stress when my "plans" go awry.

I try to plan out dinners b/c in our household it is challenging. Hubs likes a lot of fatty meals, daughter is low carb, I eat plant based, meatless meals. I have started to take out 2-3 meats to thaw out in the fridge so I know what to feed the family for a few days and then have to decide on veggies, sides, etc. It's exhausting to try to plan 3 different types of meals so I try to keep it fairly simple. When I can, I cook or prep extra which helps for other meals throughout the wk.

I plan a to-do list and almost never get it all done but at least I get some.

I do succeed in planning our TV PVR schedule each day I look online, find out what's on that night, make a list of shows I need to PVR and then set it up each afternoon. We almost never watch any in real time, we like to PVR and then fast forward through commercials.

So, I do a lot of planning, succeed in following thru with some of it, but don't stress when my plans don't work out. So I'm ok with that.

(this would be great to journal on a page, I'll have to keep this in mind and copy this text for journaling on a page about "planning" soon)
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