Thread: QOTW: 12/29
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Old 01-05-2021, 03:19 PM
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Originally Posted by rach3975 View Post
For years I've been a pescatarian eating a mostly vegetarian diet (seafood about 10-20 times a year). For the last few years I've combined that with lower carb. In March (pre-Covid) I finally decided that wasn't sustainable for me--I'd regained everything I initially lost on it because I was eating too many calorie dense foods like nuts and cheese and couldn't fill up without them. So I went back to Weight Watchers and added back whole grains and fruits. I'm down about 20 pounds but am plateaued there for now. I just made some minor changes to try and get past the plateau, but it's too soon to know if I have to make more changes.

ETA: It was only the low carb part that wasn't sustainable. I've been a pescatarian for more than 20 years, so the only way that would change is if I stopped eating seafood. I've done that for a few of the 20 years and will probably be there again one day.
It was a big transition for me to switch from keto/paleo to plant based/pescatarian b/c I was so used to eating lots of nuts, cheese and meat protein with very low carbs. I didn't feel it was good for me to sustain that for too long and have to say that I feel great now with my choices (if I stick on plan and don't eat too much junk). I'm getting used to lots more veggies and fruit and after yrs without much starches, I am loving potatoes, rice and pasta, along with whole grains. I am quite surprised that I don't miss meat at all, I thought I'd miss the few that I really liked but no...not at all. If you have any fave recipes, send them along to me. I'd love it. I've been buying up vegetarian/plant based cookbooks and making lots of buddha bowls but want to vary my meals more as I get comfortable with it.
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