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Old 01-19-2021, 12:18 PM
Tree City Tree City is offline
Sweet Tooth
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Originally Posted by bienejen View Post
They don't have to necessarily choose between layers OR show chickens. The poultry club leader should be able to give you some insight into the classes or you might be able to find a copy of last year's fair book on your county fair's website.
It's basically doing a quick examination of your bird while explaining to the judge what you're doing/looking for and then posing your bird on the table at the end. This is where you want to have a few birds that are your friends and are used to be handled.
Our fair's website wouldn't load last night. (Sigh.) But that's true--I should ask the poultry club leader!

As for showmanship: I didn't know that! I mean, I knew that the kids would probably do *something* and have to say *something* but I didn't realize it was so involved. I LOVE IT because neither of my kids is on a team sport (we're just not an athletic family lol) so I think this would be a good way for them to engage in competition and also practice speaking in public. So yeah, definitely want to have some hens who like to be handled! And I was hoping we can have a mix of chickens, but I guess we'll have to see if our 4-H provides them or if we can purchase what we want. (I have heard some kids get a dozen pullets to raise, so they don't have a choice in what they get.)

Oh, the more I'm learning, the more excited I am for them!
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