Thread: QOTW: Spending
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Old 01-31-2021, 07:51 PM
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Usually, I'd say that we're right back to our normal monthly budget & spending on January 1. My DH and I went through Financial Peace a number of years ago, and though we don't follow the entire program, our only debt is the single mortgage on our house which we're working to pay off early, and we use cash for our basic monthly expenditures like groceries, dining out, toiletries, etc. When the cash is gone, no more spending until next month. I'm the spender and he's the saver, and it's remarkable how much my habits have changed over the years that we've been doing this.

We have a budget for Christmas, gifts are paid for in cash - well, paid on the AmEx and then the AmEx is paid off immediately - and come January 1st, we're on to other things.

On the other hand, I was hospitalized January 1st with COVID pneumonia, and came home on the 4th on oxygen. I've got all sorts of follow-up appointments and tests scheduled. Yay for meeting our deductible the first month of the year, I guess... and double yay for an FSA and an emergency fund. <sigh>

So, usually we're back to normal, but not this year. Definitely not this year. And somewhere in there I had my 44th birthday this month. I only vaguely remember it, and I don't think we celebrated it. <shrug> Whaddyagonnado?

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