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Old 03-28-2021, 05:06 PM
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tjscraps tjscraps is offline
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Join Date: Jun 2009
Location: Alberta, Canada
Posts: 2,466

I keep the kits together but organize by theme - in theory. I have a new zips folder that is my go-to and I only go through that and put them in the 'theme' folders about 4 times a year. I do love sorting my templates by number of photo spots though, and I tag them with the store and name them "Template pack name - designer name" so that I can search for specific designers or stores.

I name my folders Kit name - Designer name, and I label it if it was a Freebie with -F at the end, or -FWP if it was FWP. I also have a Mac and I tag them just with the store - so all my SSD stuff is a Purple tag that I renamed SSD, so when I'm looking for things for challenges, etc I just search within that tag. I also have tags for things I look for a lot - big photo templates, brushes, things like that. The mac search engine is pretty good so if I know I'm looking for a KCB kit I can put that in and all of her stuff comes up, so I don't feel the need to sort by designer as I can find it that way.

This year my goal is to scrap my stash more often, so if I have 100 items in my New Zips folder I tell my kids to pick a number between 1-100 and that's the kit I use. It's been pretty good at getting me to scrap with what I have instead of it just looking pretty on my hard drive!

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