Thread: Dream Job
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Old 06-27-2021, 07:56 PM
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AmieN1 AmieN1 is offline
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Join Date: Sep 2015
Location: Spokane, WA
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Oh I just love you Lorie!

I am a dental hygienist and knew I wanted to do that around my junior or senior year of high school by an off chance assignment! I had to do a job shadow/interview sort of thing and just happened to be going to a dental appointment. Sadly I can't remember the hygienist's name I saw- but she basically sold me on the career! I work part time- 2 days a week, make a great income, and get to do what I love- talking to & helping people!

Also- I'm totally a bit OCD and a type-A Planny Plannerson, so dental hygiene fits right in. We're working in millimeters and all of us in the dental field tend to swing to the perfectionist type of personality! I too am kind of a control freak, so getting people's mouths spick & span feeds my soul! lmao!

I also always knew I wanted to be a mother & with working part-time, I feel like I get the best of both worlds and feel like I'm home with the kids as much as I'm away. I rarely have to miss a school function or sporting events and typical dental office hours are pretty awesome. In my particular office, we work from 7-5 (Monday- Thursday, but I only work Tues/Thurs) and have a ton of time off- we never work most holidays and have a week off about every few months. Our doctors are super family oriented and that's sorta our office motto too- "treat everyone like they're our family." It's pretty much a perfect fit for me.

HOWEVER- I do plan to 'retire' from clinical dental hygiene in the next 5 years or so. It's a tough job on your body & I'm definitely feeling some of the negative- back always sore, tendonitis in my elbow & thumb and have started to have some issues with my wrist. I have been a hygienist for 17 years so I'm hoping to make it another 5 lol! It's funny because when I first came out of hygiene school- I was making big bucks & working full time & made more $$ than my husband. While I still make great $ considering my 2 days a week, he has FAR surpassed me and now I'm hoping to mooch off of him for the last 15 years until he retires too!
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