Thread: Dream Job
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Old 06-28-2021, 01:24 PM
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HavaDrPepper HavaDrPepper is offline
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Originally Posted by LJSDesigns View Post
What about you, how do you handle your daily retirement life? Do you have a plan for each day or do you just go with the flow. I know you are suppsed to relax and just enjoy the moments in retirement, but again that is not me. I don't really know how to just relax and let things happen. Like I said, I need structure. That is probably really weird, but I tend to be weird. LOL
I pretty much go with the flow. I do make sure I do all errands during the week and avoid the stores on weekends when they are more crowded. I always hated going shopping on weekends when I worked. So I go when the stores are less crowded and if I go to the grocery on Tuesday, I get a senior discount. I do laundry as needed usually every 2 weeks for clothes, every week for towels and underwear.

Before my dental issues stopped me in my tracks my cousin and I would go out to eat a couple times a week, sometimes deciding in early afternoon to go that day. Now that those have been resolved, I can actually start "living" again. 2020 and COVID actually didn't change my life a whole lot since I didn't go many places. It is embarrassing to be seen in public with no teeth (masks were great though!).

The good thing about going with the flow is that sometimes things come up spur of the moment and I'll say "heck yeah, let's go". 2 years ago a cousin texted me to ask if I was going to be available the next day. She lives 3 hours away and was bringing her granddaughters to see our air & space museum and wanted to see me. I ended up spending the afternoon with them and we had a great time! I also have various interests that make my days not so boring. I tend to work on jigsaw puzzles in the winter and do a lot of scrapping then. I've had my periods of non-stop reading.

I do plan things and am in the process of planning a get together with some high school friends once one of them feels she can get around enough following her knee surgery she had 3 weeks ago. And, with COVID restrictions lifted in Ohio and I can eat again, I may just start going out to eat. We've got a new restaurant in town that is only open for lunch and I'd like to check it out.

I know many retired people do like to have structure in their lives. They will do volunteering on a schedule and exercise classes are another big thing. Water aerobics at the Y is always full!

So retirement can be what you make of it. I choose to go with the flow.
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