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Old 07-06-2021, 01:32 PM
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Leablahblah Leablahblah is offline
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Location: Baltimore, MD (origin: France)
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Lorie maybe your broom is missing a few bristles and that's why you can't sweep properly?? lol

I don't sweep. I vacuum. Once every month or so. I hate all cleaning chores. I hate dusting the most probably.
I never clean bathrooms unless I see gross stuff. A quick scrub with the toilet brush and it does the trick, or a wipe on the seat. I also use the bleach cakes in the toilet water tank. It helps.

I actually enjoy doing the dishes and doing laundry and folding it so that's a plus.

But right now the thing I hate the most is this stupid crepe myrtle tree that's going right over our back deck. It drops this sticky dew all over it and it gets sticky under our shoes, sticky on our patio furniture and it turns everything black after a while. Sucks!!! Thinking of cutting that tree down because it is such a nuisance!

Last edited by Leablahblah; 07-06-2021 at 03:18 PM.
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