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Old 07-06-2021, 04:12 PM
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Originally Posted by HavaDrPepper View Post
Pretty much the same as you. That's why I have a cleaning lady that does the heavy duty cleaning every 2 months.

I can't dust... it makes my eyes itchy and I sneeze. And, if I get even a smidge of dust on my hands I have to immediately wash them because other wise the dust will get in my eyes because I invariably rub my eyes since they itch.

I have a bad back so mopping is hard for me. And, I have a 1400 sq feet of laminate in my house. Got rid of all the carpet 4 years ago. Because of the back I also have issues with most vacuums as well.

What I do between cleaning lady visits is use a regular old fashioned dust mop to get the dust bunnies hanging out. For some reason swiffer type products never worked well for me... the pad kept falling off. With the dust mop, I just go outside and shake it real good. I do have a smaller vacuum that is very lightweight that I will use to pick up what the dust mop can't get when needed. I did get a spray mop made by O-Cedar to do spot mopping when needed.

On a related note, I did one of those at home allergy tests and guess what my worst allergy is... <<drum roll>> house dust.

I did just make an expensive purchase that I hope will help (cleaning lady swears by it). In a few days I will be the owner of a Roomba. I had been thinking about it for several months and the allergy test results made the decision easier.

Oh yeah, washing windows is up there on the list too.... for multiple reasons!
I've been thinking about the heavy duty cleaning lady every month of so too. I used to have one come every week before my son moved out and my mom passed away, but now that it is just me, I don't need that much done. I was going to do it and then Covid hit so I have not gone ahead with it, but I probably should.

As to dust, I once saw a sign that said that dust is a country accent, and since I am not allergic to it, that is how I view it. LOL
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