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Old 07-06-2021, 07:05 PM
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HavaDrPepper HavaDrPepper is offline
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Originally Posted by lholuska View Post
So first of all, pre-dating all the other issues, I was diagnosed with TMJD (temporomandibular joint disorder) in 2008. Essentially it's arthritis in the jaw bone, although there is more to it than that that's the best way to describe it. There's little cushioning left where my jaw bone meets my skull (up near the ear, which is why it can sometimes present like an ear infection) I can no longer eat certain things like steak because of how hard it is to chew, I can no longer chew gum or certain types of candy (I haven't had a Starburst or any kind of taffy for over 10 years, blah). What truly sucks is that it totally changes your eating habits, and it's made me self-conscious about HOW I eat, so I don't like to eat in sit-down restaurants anymore. For example, I don't like to open my jaw wide anymore, so the result is eating things like burgers with a fork (or tearing off pieces). Pizza, burritos, even Subway sandwiches too. People don't understand that it hurts and that it's a condition, so the strange and honestly judgmental looks from people aren't worth it, so we stick with takeout or I eat at places with items that people won't judge me for using a fork (buffets are great - you know, once the plague is over lol).
My thoughts go out to you for the eating issues alone! I understand completely how you feel. I didn't have TMJD but had missing teeth since the mid-90's. Molars. Had to chew with front teeth and you know what that does to those... wears them down because that's not what they are meant to do. Ended up having all teeth pulled so couldn't eat much at all, only soft foods. I existed on baked potatoes, mashed potatoes, real soft mac and cheese, scrambled eggs, instant oatmeal and tomato soup for over 2 years. Thankfully there was a solution for me and I now have a full mouth of teeth that aren't dentures. That hamburger in a bun never tasted so good on Memorial Day!

As for the fibromyalgia, I have a friend that was diagnosed with it over 20 years ago. The doctors at Cleveland Clinic told her to pitch all her medications and started over with only the needed ones for her asthma she had forever. Turns out with every medication new side effects were popping up and more medications were prescribed to help with those causing a chain reaction. It took awhile but she got it under control and has been able to live a very full and active life until she got COVID. The fibro has now flared up again and she's trying to navigate it all over.

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