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Old 08-21-2021, 06:16 PM
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Default Scrap it Summer participants - question #1

So for those participating in the Scrap it Summer challenges this month, I am curious about a handful of things so I thought I would write a couple different posts.

My first topic of questions are... How are you coming with the daily challenges? Are you staying current? Are you holding strong? Are you shocked you are getting the pages done? Are you feeling confident you will get them all completed?

For me, I am current and TOTALLY shocked about it! I am loving the two option challenges. I am also really enjoying seeing what you guys have created. The gallery is simply full of goodness!

I am hoping to finish strong. I am crossing my fingers.

I started doing the challenges to see if I could push myself to complete the 31 pages. At this point, I am proud of myself for getting 21 finished. That is HUGE for me!

I will also add that I am trying to push myself to use kits/templates that I haven't used before. I claim it... I am a collector. I am trying to use my stash.

I look forward to reading how things are going to you.

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