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Old 09-07-2021, 02:30 PM
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bcgal00 bcgal00 is offline
Sweet Talker
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Join Date: Feb 2009
Location: Kamloops BC Canada
Posts: 2,434

I'm good either way, I'm comfortable with or without others around. As an only child, I learned to be self-sufficient, to amuse myself and spend time by myself. I love to be in my office, scrapping, watching shows and justing being alone (with the dogs). But then I also love to hang out with hubs, the family and friends and am really chatty with people so everywhere I go I end up chatting for long periods of time. Dog walking at the park takes forever, partly b/c the dogs wander off into the bush and explore and partly because I stop and chat with all the dog owners along the way and often we end up all walking together in one big pack.
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