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Old 09-08-2021, 04:23 PM
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Neverland Scraps Neverland Scraps is offline
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Join Date: May 2008
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When it comes to being social, how would you rate yourself?
I am a horrible introvert - like if I could have my select few people interact with me via text and hug them once a week, I'd be happy as a clam!! BUT on the same token, when I go out and about, (I have to work/convince myself A LOT to make that happen) I "appear" to be an extrovert with how chatty I can get with people. I used to think I was strange until I took a personality test and realized that I am actually "normal" in appearing to be extroverted, but actually introverted!

Are you better in person or online?
Oh my heaven's, SO much better online! I can't tell you how many times I type things out, look at it, re-read it, edit it....often copy/paste in to Word for spelling errors. Read again in Word and then maybe, press enter or delete what I was trying to say in the first place.

In voice, once it's said whether it's right or wrong, it's out there!

Do you have a lot of friends or a close circle with just a few.
If you asked me a few years ago I'd say VERY "close circle", but this past year I have plenty of friends!!! However the ones that I trust, talk to daily and confide is very small, so I guess still a close circle, that's a little bit larger than it was a year ago.

Are you more about friends or family?
I don't know how to answer this...once you are a friend, you are family even though it's not by blood or marriage. Dawn has been my sister for what seems like forever! She's family even though she's one of my best friends!

Last edited by Neverland Scraps; 09-09-2021 at 09:15 AM. Reason: infj jpg was too big for the page
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