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Old 09-09-2021, 09:48 PM
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Originally Posted by Neverland Scraps View Post
I do have a usb hub that I've put the dongle in. I have it almost directly in front of it, but it still loses connection all the time.
I wonder if having it in a hub worsens any problems you're having, making any connection delays worse because the signal has to travel through more connections.

My son and I both use the Logitech M510 Wireless Mouse. He's had his for about 3 years and loves it. The way his computer and mouse are situated, he's only got about 6 inches between his mouse and the USB port connector thing. He uses it for gaming where quick response is essential, and he doesn't have problems.

I've only had mine about 3 months. My computer and mouse are about 2.5 feet apart, and the computer is 15 inches higher than the mouse. (I'm using an external monitor, so the laptop is on a shelf rather than the desk itself.) Most of the time it works perfectly, but every once in a while the mouse isn't as responsive as it should be. Often when that happens it's because I've put a cup or something else something between the mouse and the laptop, but sometimes it's when the computer is just running a little slow overall.

We just bought a 3rd M510 for my son's computer from school. It seems to have arrived broken, but Logitech customer service has been good and there's a new one on its way to us.

I hope you're able to get everything working well!

ETA: At first I said it was a laser mouse, but I'm not entirely sure so I took that out. In one place Logitech says it has "laser grade tracking" and in another it says "high precision optical tracking."

Last edited by rach3975; 09-09-2021 at 11:44 PM.
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