Thread: Garages
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Old 09-20-2021, 11:56 AM
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Originally Posted by KristinCB View Post
we don't really have a garage. We had to transform a shed into a smaller garage for a car my husband inherited from his dad but in the winter the vehicle we drive still has to be parked outside.. in the snow.. which we get a lot of... which i broke my ankle from trying to clear the snow from the roof this last winter lol
Oh no!! That would be rough! I had missed the story of how you broke your ankle (and was too lazy to go back and look. lol).

Originally Posted by rach3975 View Post
I grew up in a house where there was never room for cars in the garage, and DH grew up in an apartment where he only had a space in the building's garage. So it's never even come up in 24 years of marriage--our garage is for cars! (But we have a basement, too, so it's easy for it to be a non-issue. We don't have a ton in our basement, but if we had to keep it all in the garage we'd have a problem.)
My mom is constantly nagging me about the stuff in the garage (of which half is hers. lol!) because "Grandpa ALWAYS had his garage clean, and the cars were parked in it". Having a basement would be amazing. But, I don't think houses here have them. Houses in So Cal never had basements.

Originally Posted by tjscraps View Post
We have never had a garage until July when we moved into our new house. It's a double car garage , hubby's truck does not fit inside it because of the tool cabinets. We acquired a new car this year (my mom gave our 13 year old her convertible ... don't ask!), so the convertible is in the garage and hoping we can make enough room on the other side for the car I drive - it's close, just have to move some bikes and stuff. Hubby's truck will be on the driveway (which still sucks for snow, but at least it's not on the street and never knowing if we'll get a spot like our last house of 10 years!).
LOL! It's like playing Tetris trying to make space know you HAVE to tell the story of the convertible now!
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