Thread: Garages
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Old 09-20-2021, 01:32 PM
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Originally Posted by LynnZant View Post
We have two cars in the garage and two cars out. Luckily, we have a basement and shed for stuff.
Tammy, your garage looked like my basement before clearing out all the toys. I still can't believe I got it all cleaned and donated right before the shut down.
You lucked out, Lynn! I started on the garage during the shutdown, but nobody was accepting donations, so it was just more junk stored in the garage. lol!

Originally Posted by LJSDesigns View Post
I don't have pictures to show, but I did a total clean and organization on my garage this summer. Since I am afraid of heights and will not climb the ladder to the attic and my basement is fully finished, I don't have any other place to store things so the garage was the dump spot for my stuff, my mom's stuff and the kid's stuff. After my mom passed, I made sure that anyone who wanted something of hers got it, finally got my son to take all his stuff to his house and then went after the rest of the mess.

I actually started in January when all the organization stuff went on sale and brought the shelving and storage bins cheap. Then I started going through the unknown boxes, organizing what I personally wanted to keep and slowly throwing the rest of the smaller stuff out through the year because I didn't want to pay for a dumpster. Once I was down to just the big ticket items, lawn mowers, old furniture, Chet the dummy, the salmon ladder, etc, I put them all on the curb, posted on FB and watched the people come. Everything was gone in less than two hours. LOL

Now I am at the point where I am organizing and labeling the bins and moving some stuff out of the house and into the garage to free up and clean up some closets that are overstuffed. I am also going to bin up all my quilting stuff and move it out there until I set up my craft room, which is down the road more towards retirement.

The final step in my garage redo is going to be turning the side with the door to the kitchen into a "mud room." Now that I am able to park in there, I want a place to take off my shoes, hang dog leashes, put on boots, etc. I don't want to drag all that stuff into the house, so I am going get a nice entry way piece that I can use out there. My sister says I am nuts to put "furniture" in the garage, but since that is the way I go in and out every day, I think making it look nice and function comfortably is the way to go. I am debating on whether or not it needs to be painted a pretty color instead of the cream it is now, because even I think that may be going a little too far.
Wow, Lorie!! You've made amazing progress. I always try to remember to take pictures because when I look at it, it doesn't really seem like much progress, but looking at the pictures makes me feel better
I love your idea for the mudroom. Hey, paint away!! I think it would be awesome painted a pretty color!
Okay, I have to ask.. what are Chet the dummy and the salmon ladder?
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