Thread: Garages
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Old 09-20-2021, 05:00 PM
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Originally Posted by jacinda View Post
We have a three car garage, but only one car (mine) actually fits in it. The other half of my garage is full of bikes and storage items, and the 3rd garage space hubby walled off and made into a workshop for himself.
Hubby & I have talked about doing that - walling off a space for a workshop for him, but we'll see.

Originally Posted by Kimberly27 View Post
We have a two car garage...We have my van and a 1966 Ford Mustang inside. Hubby's Rogue is outside and when we get my teen his car it will be in driveway. Our driveway is short so we will have to do musical chairs. The garage is pretty organized. We have two shelves that fit over the garage on the ceiling and then shelving as well for stuff. It is tight but we make it work. Our house doesn't have a lot of storage. We put some stuff in the attic but it is HOT!
Ooooh! 1966 Mustangs are awesome! I don't like storing in the attic because of the heat. Our garage gets hot, and cold, but not as drastic as an attic.

Originally Posted by lovely1m View Post
I personally keep the garage and the house very tidy. My husband does not. I allowed him free reign in the garage and he likes to randomly decide to "organize" it. Except he has ADHD and halfway through his organizing, he gets distracted and starts playing with stuff. Then it's late and he just shoves it all back into a pile in the middle of the garage, then he's overwhelmed by the disaster and it sits like that for a while. This last time it was a whole year it sat like that. I finally got him to clean it up a couple of weeks ago. I had to park my car outside in an ND winter. I was less than happy. We are about to get it fully insulated and heated, so hopefully it works out well.
Oh my! Having to go out to your car in winter in ND would not be nice! That's where hubby's new toy came from. I wanted to go pick it up, but he opted to have it shipped. Having your garage insulated and heated sounds amazing!!
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