Thread: Garages
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Old 09-24-2021, 01:21 PM
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Originally Posted by MamaBee View Post
Wow - I'm amazed at my fellow northern girls that don't park their cars in the garage in the winter! I grew up drilled in me that cars get parked in garages - even the house I grew up, we had four cars (only three of us, haha and I was too young to drive - but my mom had a mail route and had to have reliable cars available)... they added onto the garage so we could park three cars in a row and then the collector car had the other stall. All my apartments had garages - that was a deal breaker... my first apartment, the garage was across the roadway, what a hardship! haha

We have a three car garage and both or cars in it... third stall is for lawn mowers/show blowers, etc. Not sure what we are going to do when kiddo starts driving. That third stall has to be backed into to be able to be used for a car. We have a lot of junk in our garage... we have been cleaning it out, just mostly stuff for rummage sale, tools, things like that.
That surprised me, too!
How long until your son starts driving?

Originally Posted by stephc777 View Post
Good work, Tammy. That is a lot of progress.

We have a 3 car garage that has 3 cars in it (one big & 2 small), but honestly it is only because we have installed so much storage. We have 7 ceiling racks, a big custom made shelf in front of our big car, shelves on the walls and even stuff in between our 2 car garage & the 1 car garage. My husband manages it =) He has inherited stuff from his parents and they were from a generation that didn't throw anything away. It was ingrained in him not to let things go he might have a use for someday and much of that now lives in our garage. He is working on letting go of some things and I applaud him =) We also have a large shed out back that is very full - bikes, lawnmower, garden stuff, misc wood stuff, more tools live out there.
Thanks, Stephanie! I've thought about ceiling racks, but they seem like a hassle. LOL!
It's hard to get rid of stuff that's inherited. I brought a lot from my Grandparent's house and I just can't get myself to let it go. Maybe at some point I'll be able to do it. I applaud your husband for working on getting rid of things!
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