Thread: Covid Check-in
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Old 10-24-2021, 08:53 PM
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SeattleSheri SeattleSheri is offline
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Masks must be worn indoors (and in most cases are encouraged outdoors where social distancing can't be met - some places require them). Almost everyone is super observant of policies. I see tons of people wearing N95's (even outdoors). Outdoor events over 500 require proof of vaccine and most restaurants/bars, gyms, etc require proof of vaccination (anywhere with a seating capacity > 10).

Schools require anyone who is symptomatic to stay home and get a PCR test. All schools in our district offer on-site testing.

With that said, my hubby (HS teacher) got a breakthrough case of COVID a couple of weeks ago. He has 2 air purifiers in his classroom, wears a mask at all times and is double vaccinated. The contract tracers suspect an asymptomatic student gave it to him, but who knows. Thankfully, the rest of us didn't test positive (we are all vaccinated except my 4 year old). My older boys didn't have to quarantine because they were vaccinated, but Tyler had to have a negative test at day 7.

Cases are starting to fall, as predicted with the typical 2 month cycle of a surge. COVID is here to stay. There is no keeping it out. It's basically endemic. I feel super fortunate that my husband's case was pretty mild. I know so many people who have had breakthrough infections (but all have been mild).

What really sucks is that even though our schools are in-person, activities are limited. I'm so jealous of all of the homecoming photos I've seen over the past few weeks.

Last edited by SeattleSheri; 10-25-2021 at 02:18 PM.
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