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Old 11-17-2021, 05:23 PM
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Originally Posted by angiekey View Post
I'd also like to toss in my vote for a kit about Christmas lights! Both about going to look at them - piling in the car in your PJs and driving around with mugs of hot cocoa and driving through the neighborhoods to look at the yard displays - and also about decorating the yard.

My dad has sort of a thing about Christmas. Long before he retired from the Army and let his beard grow and it came in white and he turned into Santa, he was using his woodworking skills to make ornaments for the yard. Here's a video I shot in 2012 of his Christmas ferris wheel:

Needless to say, I've got years and years and years of photos of yard displays I want to scrapbook, but I haven't found the right supplies yet.

I'd also love to see a kit about making Christmas gifts. You could include a variety of different kinds of handicrafts - sewing, cross-stitch, crochet & knitting, woodworking, painting & drawing, photography, paper crafting ...

I could also totally use a Bah Freaking Humbug kit. Something that would let me do some therapeutic art journaling about the stress and frustration and low serotonin of those final weeks of the year.
Wow Angie! You are so lucky, your father do amazing decorations! This is just wonderful, I would love to see that!!!!
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