Thread: I hate cooking
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Old 01-16-2022, 03:41 PM
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Originally Posted by jaye View Post
I don't meal plan, I tried but it wasn't successful. I have batch cooked but that was more while my son was away at college and I would send him back with homemade soups, frozen mini meatloaves. For myself I made things he won't eat and it was nice to have frozen leftovers for me on nights I didn't want to make anything.

We have our basics that I seem to blindly cook every week. I call Friday and Saturdays fend for yourself, take out, or it will be something like burgers on the Foreman and fries in the Air Fryer.

My son is picky about veggies so we eat a lot of broccoli, peas, and corn. Cauliflower and asparagus are faves for him as well but right now the prices are crazy, we eat those more in the summer.

Thankfully he is always game for shrimp so I will do that every other week, but our weekly meals usually include, some kind of chicken, a ground beef dish of some kind, a pork roast , sausages, fish. He is not a big potato eater so we do a lot of wild rice instead.
It sounds like even though you don't really "plan", you have a good system down!

Originally Posted by ~Cindy~ View Post
I don't think I would mind cooking if someone cleaned the kitchen. I didn't get asked x4 what we are eating. Sometimes its 8 times or more. Then add in we are allergic to everything under the sun here. I'm allergic to tomatoes, pepper, yeast, and celery. Luckily I can eat it anyway or I'd really starve. My husband is allergic to beef and pork. He really needs an epipen but refuses to go get one. My son is allergic to almonds, rice, and corn. He can eat them but tends to not eat them anyway. My daughter is just out right a pain in my butt. She is going threw this new thing. First she only ate mac and cheese. Now it's grits, cereal, and hot dogs. She doesn't eat sandwiches and says everything is gross without even trying it. So I just tell them all to eat or starve until the next meal. I try to cook something that I know each one of the kids like at least one thing. Definitely freaking hard! Usually I only come up with two big meals, two fast meals, and Friday is pizza. Saturday and Sunday is catch what you can.
I'm so thankful that we don't have food allergies!! ...other than Hubby being mildly allergic to onions. LOL! My mom said I ate like your daughter does when I was just starting to eat solid food. I hope your daughter grows out of it.

Originally Posted by MamaBee View Post
I love to cook and rarely make the same thing twice… I always make a casserole on Monday, something Mexican on Tuesday, soup Wednesday, Thursday and Friday I use a cookbook and hubby cooks the weekend. Cassy Joy Garcia cookbooks is my favorite… her last one (cook once dinner fix) has you batch making the meat and then two easy recipes to use that meat.

Also I cook up a huge batch of shredded chicken and freeze… ton of recipes to use it snd meals on the table quick
I think I'm going to implement that plan. It seems like it would make planning a lot easier. I'm going to look up those cookbooks!
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