Thread: I hate cooking
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Old 01-16-2022, 04:01 PM
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Originally Posted by bcgal00 View Post
I'm plant based and hubs is a meat eater so I have to prep and plan ahead or I'd go nuts. I really don't enjoy cooking anymore. I just want fast and easy these days.

What helps me is to batch cook rice and freeze it so it is easy and fast to thaw/heat up.

I steam a big pot of baby potatoes and stick them in the fridge for the week, then microwave them to warm up at dinner time.

I chop up veggies and put them in the fridge so they are ready to add to salads and stirfrys.

One pot meals, whether in the instapot or the crockpot save time and cleanup. Or one sheet pan meals baked in the oven with chopped veggies, chicken, potatoes with oil spritzed overtop and sprinkled with spices, that is an easy meal. If there are leftover meat/veggies ,the next night they can be warmed up, over rice, top with cheese or a sauce (I make a sweet hummus drizzle).

One night a week is tomato soup and grilled cheese night. That's easy.
Wow, Rae! You are very organized!!

Originally Posted by HavaDrPepper View Post
I don't like to cook, never really learned. And, it is a pain to cook for one. I'm also a picky eater so I have my favorites that I tend to eat often.

Game changer for me though was the air fryer. Always hated frying anything because of the grease splatter. I also don't have an outdoor grill so that isn't an option for those items that would be fried. Air fryer took care of that. I don't mind fixing hamburgers now.

Although since it is only me I don't have to deal with trying to please others. I guess that is a good thing!
That totally makes sense. Cooking for one has challenges, just like cooking for a group does! I'm glad the air fryer has helped.

Originally Posted by Ponytails View Post
I keep thinking that I should try this, but I borrowed one once and it sat untouched on my counter for two weeks until I finally gave it back. I suppose I should try again, but it just seems so exhausting to learn new stuff when I don't want to learn it.
I've used my Instapot for rice and hard boiled eggs. LOL! I could have just stuck with a rice maker.

Originally Posted by lovely1m View Post
Honestly? I don't cook for my family every night. Actually only maybe once a week. The rest of the week, it's up to them. Everyone likes different things and I am busy. I was killing myself trying to figure out healthy meals that work for all of us and it just wasn't worth it. So now when I do cook, everyone is very grateful and I am not overdoing it on myself.
That sounds like a great solution! I wish it would work for my family!
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